OnlyBoth uses its AI, UX, and web-services expertise to re-think and automate
data-driven comparative performance analytics and reporting, such as
benchmarking and side-by-side comparison, with the goals of achieving
unprecedented transparency, driving performance improvement, and
empowering people's choice in business and government sectors.
Read Harvard Business Review on why peer comparison is done wrong and
how to do it right. TechCrunch on the underlying AI technology. Data Informed
on comparisons that involve changes over time, not just single time periods.
insideBIGDATA on new use-cases that are uniquely enabled by automation.
Gartner named OnlyBoth one of five Cool Vendors in Analytics.
Read about revenue impact, data and peer anonymization, articles, and testimonials. Learn more about the Customer Success use-case here.
At BenchMine.com, explore applications to the performance of employer
401(k) plans, healthcare providers, population health and economics of
geographies, and internal business operations using simulated data.

Dashboards are fine for alerting that your gas tank is near empty
or that your website is down. But as the San Mateo Daily Journal
pointed out about California’s Education Dashboards, they are often confusing and useless for thoughtfully evaluating comparative performance. There’s now a better way.
Assess employer 401(k) plans and help drive
improvement, using CY 2021 Dept of Labor EBSA data. 54,495 401(k) plans with summed total assets of $6.6T.
Assess healthcare providers across seven different
sectors: hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis, home health, hospice, inpatient rehab, and long-term care hospitals.
Evaluate the social determinants of health
at all 3,143 U.S. counties. Recognized as a Finalist
at the 2019 Healthiest Communities Data Challenge.
As a technology showcase and public service, we applied
the engines to the 500 largest U.S. cities, selected by the
CDC's 500 Cities project. Assess and compare cities.
A fictitious OnlyBoth client with 3 product and 4 service offerings for its 250 customers described by 117 traits, behaviors, outcomes, and changes in these over time.
Evaluate 195 national tax systems. Read our blog post.